Thursday, July 3, 2008

Let's get into Overdrive!!!!!

Overdrive, our downloadable audio program is a neat tool that I find very useful. There are times that I am lazy enough to read a book that I have already read before. The neat thing about it is that I don't have to burn the audiobook from my hard drive of my PC to a disc since I am not currently using an IPOD but Creative Lab Zen M. It is pretty simple to use and everything is right on the screen. For the 23 things project, I tried listening to an exerpt of The Time Maching by H.G. Welles. It has been a while since I read the book or even listen to it. The book itself is a classic and at the time it was released, most of the scientist at the time can't believe what they were reading. Most of the scientist were clamoring that no one could time travel using a machine. According to them it would take light years for someone to do that. This book put H.G. Welles as one of the prolific Science Fiction authors to have come from the 20th century.

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