Friday, June 27, 2008

Yelp....I need Yelp!!!!!

Yelp....What is Yelp exactly? Well, I picked this feature in the Web 2.0 award winners. I found Yelp to be a helpful tool especially at work. To answer the question that I ask on what exactly is Yelp? Well, Yelp is a search tool that allows you to check reviews on different restaurants, hotels,food, entertainment in a specific state or around your area. I tried checking one of the restaurant that my sister and I frequent too when my family and I visits her in Tampa, FL. The name of the restaurant is TC Choy's. It is a dim sum place that is located in Brandon in Tampa, FL. I was not surprised that a lot of people gave it a raving review. So far, it is one of the good dim sum place that we found in Tampa. As for its' usefulness at work, it can help the patrons especially the new ones in the area. We can use Yelp in helping them find reviews on a specific restaurant or area they are looking for. We can give them tips or general idea about the place.

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