Sunday, June 8, 2008

Web Feat

Web Feat is a site where we can search a lot of things that varies from health, genealogy, history, and other things that could benefit someone who is looking for information. The best thing about it is that it lists all the hits that it gets from the search that you input on the search button in the same page with the links. You can also eliminate or pick the hits by doing all or just pinpointing the specific target that you need for the specific topic.

I did a search of my hometown in the Philippines and actually did get a lot of hits ranging from the history of the country, the current events and how it is now compare to the past from different web pages. Not only that, I also narrowed my search to jut the town the I was born and raised and actually was surprised to get a hit from the genealogy department of the chinese communities and about my last name.

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