Sunday, June 15, 2008, I have heard of this site for quite some time from a friend that used it for his research project to tag his work and bookmark the pages that he needs. He told me how good it was that he can actually open the bookmarked page from other computers aside from his own. I dismissed the fact and told him that I really won't need it at all. Since starting with this project in 23 things, I finally understand how useful it is if you are doing projects aside from your own computer at home especially if you have important bookmarks.

I opened an account with however, I have not added any bookmarks of the sites that I have at home yet at this time but will be adding it soon. At first, I found the site a bit hard but as I played around with it more, it is not bad at all. I can actually use this site to my advantage since I often visit my sister up in Tampa and sometimes leave my laptop at home and can't access the bookmarked sites that I bookmarked on my laptop. This could save me time by just putting the bookmarks in the site and have it handy anywhere i go by loogging into my account.

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