Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Technology in Video Games and its Advancement

How technology has advanced throughout the years? I still remember when Socrates, an educational program that was released back in 1987 when I was just 6 years old. I still recall vividly playing with the system where it has different cartridges for different subjects like Math, English, and other things. How heavy that system was and you have to be staring on your TV in order to play it. The graphics was an 8-bit program and could hardly see the shape of the robot that was giving the instructions and questions for each different subject.
Now with the advancement of technology like the Leapfrog Pads that our libraries have, kids can enjoy the comfort of fun and education with an easy, lightweight machine that can practically do phonics skills, math skills, and other different skills that the pad can offer. Kids can even carry it anywhere they go since it doesn't have to be plug into a TV set .

As for the video games system goes, the advancement of the technology has gone far beyond that I as a kid could ever imagine. As a kid, I was big into video games especially Nintendo NES.
With this system, I can play different genre of games from adventure, puzzle, fighting, and family games. The graphics is moderately good but as opposed to what we have now, it is a totally different ball game. With the release of Microsoft Xbox 360, PS3, Nintendo Wii, everyone can access the internet and play the game with other people from different areas around the world. The graphics of these three systems are almost lifelike. It feels like the characters in the game are real and actually do exist in reality. As for the Nintendo Wii, I could not imagine or fathom that I can actually play a game using a controller that looks like a remote control. You could actually literally play the game by just waving the control left, right, up, down and could do different moves by a flick of the control.

In the near future, technology could go much more further than what it can do now. In Japan, even their technology is far, far more advanced than what we have here in the United States. I actually saw one technology on TV that just boggled my mind where one person can use the bathroom toilet seat by using their voice commands and the lavatory would actually do it for them without a touch of their hands. With the further advancement, technology could go far beyond on what it could do today.

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